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After spending decades reading all kinds of books - with a special preference for romance - I got an idea for a novel of my own. So, I sat down to write it. It was then that I discovered it was a series... a fantasy romance series.


Since I have two young boys and a wonderful husband that I come home to at the end of every work day, and also had been attending college while writing these novels,  it's usually been only during breaks from college that I've had time for writing and revision.


It is a pleasure, however, to write what I love to read. And an even bigger pleasure to hear about the entertainment that my readers get from what I write! I love hearing how much my readers are looking forward to the next book in the series.


There are currently about 4 1/2 of the estimated 7 books completed for the New Era Series. Each one is a stand-alone book, that forms a larger picture when read together. 


I have also recently had ideas for several other books. Some of these books may be single books, while others have the potential for another series. So I'm excited to know that I can keep my fans in entertaining material for a good while to come.


In the meantime,  I will keep writing and editing - when I can - so that you can keep reading and enjoying my efforts.



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